OUTLINE there are three advantages after presenting final report
Topic : the
advantages that you have got after presenting your final report
Title :
there are three advantages after presenting final report
1. Give information about my final
Supporting detail :
can give information about final report to audiance
can interact and hear opion from audiance
2. Observe final report
Supporting detail :
can observe their reaction from audiance
can gauge level of their understanding
can repair final report from opinion and suggesion from audiance
3. Braveness
Supporting detail :
can try speak in front of many people
can accept other people opinion
your final report in front of audiance can give information final report to
audiance, can observe final report and try your braveness.
there are three advantages after
presenting final report
are three advantages after presenting final report. The advantages after presenting final report are
give information about final report to the audiance, observe final report and
increase braveness.
the advantages after presenting final report is can give information about
final report to the audiance. I have my final report entitled increasing perbanas
student interest in learning english. The information is to increase interest
of perbanas student by book method. With share information to audiance we can
see their interact and hear their opinion about my final report.
after presenting your final report you can get opinion and suggestion from
audiance and you can observe final report. Observe level of understanding audiance
about my final report. So, from that we can repair final report.
presenting in front of audiance you can increase braveness. Presenting in front
of many people you must have braveness and self-convidance to speak because
when you not have braveness and self convidance you get nervous so, you can’t
speak. After presenting you can increase self-convidance. Try speak in front of
many people very usefull for work, try now for tomorrow. You can try accept
opinion from other people, this things also usefull to work.
i have told you the three advantages after you presenting your final report.
They are can give some information to the audiance, hear and see their opinion.
Observe final report so, you can repair final report from opinion and audiance
suggestion. Increase braveness this things very usefull to work. I have
recommendation for you to have excercise more to presenting in front of people.
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